Friday, March 4, 2011

How to run a Cross Country Race?

Hello! I ran xc this year as a freshman and it was very fun. My coaches always told me to not change what you eat before a race. What you have been eating before every practice (and you feel good) you should probably eat before the race. Something that i ate before was peanut butter on toast or a banana, and about an hour till race time, i had a half of a power bar. But this was my first year so i am not very experienced, but my coaches were :). It is very important to be hydrated for the big race. So make sure you drink lots of water a day or two before. Then about 10 minutes before the race it is good to drink about half a bottle so you are not bloated. To run your best, pace yourself and now your limits. Try to get faster each mile, but stay comfortable. You don't want to start dying in the first half mile. But in the last 400 or 200 meters, thats when you give it your all and run as fast as you can.My coaches always told me to run with poise, purpose, and passion. All you can do is your best and you can ALWAYS get better. Good luck!! :)

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