Friday, March 11, 2011

I dont know much about ghosts and stuff so if anyone has any opinions on what this was it would really help me?

ok soo i was sleeping round my friends house while her family were away for the night and we pulled out the sofa bed down stairs. about 10 mins after we turned off the tv my friend said she felt like something was sitting on her leg so i put my hand down to feel and it was so cold after a couple of seconds my hand felt like a ice cube, we tried to ignore it and carried on chatting but i seen a shadow move from 1 side of the room to the other but i thought i was imagining it until my friend said she had seen it too. We then started seeing blues and white lights shooting around above the door and ceiling where the shadow had gone and at the same time we hid under our covers because a light had shot across the room and right above our head, I then started burning up but i was shivering like i was cold and couldnt control it and my friend got really upset and felt sick and said she felt lonely for no reason at all, after what we thought was about 15 mins of this we looked at the clock to see an hour had passed and i was still shivering while burning up, my friend then said she was feeling really tired and fell asleep within about 5 mins and i felt like something was sitting on my leg then and i was giving me cold tingles from me feet up to just above my knees, this carried on until half 4 in the morning when i finally stopped shivering and fell asleep. It was really weird and i was just wondering if anyone has had this happen before or if anyone knows what it could be :

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